Work of Islamic law
Work of a white Islamic law, namely: (Purity) and (centers of worship) and (scenes supervisor) and (supplication) and (group) and (the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice) and (i'tikaaf) and (call-to-goodness) and (memories (f) Administrating and Alnbara), mention briefly, in reference to some aspects of Islam.
Q: What is purity?
A: Purity in Islam on four sections:
A purity of soul from the corrupt Queens, Kal_husd and greed and hatred, and cheese, and other vices.
2 Members of the purity of Almnaveat, Ktharh eye view of the treacherous, and the purity of the tongue from idle talk, and so on ..
3 and the purifying of the flesh for Alqmarat, Islam has enjoined for cleansing (urine) and (blood) and (feces) and other impurities .. Also favored for cleansing and cleaning dirt and Alqmarat, not for the body only, but for all that he is engaged to the rights, dress, and timely, brushes, etc. ..
4 cleanse the body and soul together one of three things:
(I): ablution after the event.
Q: What is the event?
A: (urine), and (feces), (wind), (sleep), (Department of the blood of women called Balasthadh few), (all still the mind) of intoxicant, fainting, and the like.
Q: How is ablution?
A: How to ablution are as follows:
1 washing the face of the punishment of hair to chin.
2 Wash the right hand of the attachment to the fingertips.
3 Wash the left hand of the annex to the fingertips.
4 scan of the head to stop the right wetness.
5 men wiped the back of wet hands.
(II): washing, which falls into two categories:
1 washing duty.
2 Washing desirable.
Q: How much is due Alogsal?
A: Alogsal is due six:
1 ghusl, and get the landing of impurity of semen, or entry.
2 wash menstruation, a woman sees blood, and often accustomed to see a month of this blood.
3 wash mortality, which is the blood that comes at birth.
4 Money istihaadah, which is the blood that you see women that menstruation is not istihaadah (with detail).
5 wash touching the dead, it is a human being dead yesterday after his response and before the wash, then wash it.
6 wash the dead, if a person dies, shall be washed.
Q: How is Alogsal desirable?
A: Alogsal many undesirable, such as: washing on Friday, holidays, washing, washing of the nights of Ramadan, and the like.
Q: How is washing?
A: Washing Kevitan:
(I): Alaratmas'm in pure water, at once, so as to include all of the water body.
(II): Sort, wash the head and neck first, then the right side of his body and then the left third.
(III) who were not able (water) to wash and washing, empowered him to Islam (tayammum).
Q: What is fast?
A: tayammum is:
1 hit pure hands on the ground permitted, then Nfdahma, surveying them on the front of the punishment to the tip of the nose hair up.
2 Evin survey on your hands visible, that scans the stomach to stop the left palm on the back right, and vice versa.
3 hit the second hand on the ground, and the survey on their hands visible as mentioned.
It is obvious that (Tharrat) need to (intention), that he intends to come by, with the aim of drawing closer to God, and therefore apparent purge of rights, and to cleanse inwardly, because the approach to God requires purity of soul.
Q: What do you mean by (centers of worship)?
A: I said the Prophet of Islam Muhammad (Allah bless him and his family): (I made the earth a mosque and soil purification) (1). The land, all in the eyes of Islam valid for worship, not that there is a shop with a special .. It is also not in the place of worship of Islam, the allocation of collection, place of worship with others and so God said: (and establish your faces at every mosque) (2). But nevertheless, he made Islam special centers of worship, called (mosques), and I like to worship them, and meeting them, and make the reward great for construction and lighting, and do all other affairs, and the virtue of prayer in the prayer in the other, which is divided into:
1 centers, which are the first generation of importance: Masjid al-Haram in Makkah, the Mosque of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) in Medina, and the Mosque of Kufa, near Najaf, and Basra mosque in the city of Basra, and Jerusalem in Palestine.
2 centers that are in the second tier of importance: easy mosque near Najaf, and the Mosque of Buratha between Kadhimiya and Baghdad.
3 centers that are in the third tier of importance: like all other mosques caused by the Muslims in the east and west of the land, which is different in virtue, as detailed in the jurisprudence of Islam.
Q: Are special provisions of the mosques?
A: Yes, with special provisions, such as the prohibition Tngesha, the inviolability of arbitrarily demolished, and the sanctity stayed pleura, or menstruating, or bleeding following childbirth which, even the sanctity of traffic to them in the mosque and the Mosque of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) .. To other provisions.
Q: What are the (viewer supervisor)?
C: scenes supervisor, a shop that was buried by the Prophet and Imams Atahiron, namely:
1 room of the Prophet (Allah bless him and his family and him) in Madinah land of Hijaz.
2 Baqi, which is the resting place of Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba, Imam Zainal Abidin, Imam Muhammad al-Baqir and Imam Jafar Sadiq (peace be upon them), but resting place of Lady Fatima Zahra women by the possibility of peace in Medina, the land of Hijaz.
3 campus of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) in Najaf in Iraq.
4 campus of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) in the holy city of Karbala in Iraq.
5 campus of the Imam Moussa al-Kadhim and Imam Muhammad al-Jawad (peace be upon them) in Kadhimiya in Iraq.
6 campus of the Imam Ali Reza (peace be upon him) in Khorasan in Iran.
7 campus of the Imam Ali al-Hadi and Imam Hassan Askari, and a basement of Imam Mahdi (AS) in Samarra in Iraq.
8 and the semi-these scenes in some virtue, some of the scenes the other, sanctuary master-Abbas (peace be upon him) in Karbala, and denied Ms. Zainab (as) in the Levant, and the scenes of the prophets, spectacle rump (peace be upon him), and a scene of Moses kilims (peace be upon him) ... to the other.
Q: Do any particular virtue in these scenes?
A: Yes, as Thuy in which God's prophets and guardians, and those who are near him, gods.
Q: Remember that some credit?
A: The scenes in the governance of mosques on the above in addition to the response of prayer on the campus of Al-Hussein (peace be upon him), and some of the virtues of the last scenes in the other supervisor.
Q: Does the presence in these scenes pay and reward?
A: Yes, I preferred to visit the Prophet of Islam and built peace and imams have to visit them and make the reward, a great deal, and allocated special times to visit them, and make their visit in the best times to visit them in other occasions, giving rise to preference.
And the world today, that was made for (Unknown Soldier) shrine, motivated people to defend the homeland, and in recognition of the soldiers who are killed on the battlefield in Islam (the leaders Malomn) people that followed and won the best of this world and happiness in the Hereafter.
Therefore, we believe that the scenes of the Prophet and Imams Tahreinn, radiant Islam, and a source of various types of happiness, enlightened by visiting Bonoarhm, and quotes from their works, and guided Bhadahm, and a role model Atakzhm Like, Vivoz colors of happiness and well-being.
In particular, the Prophet and Imams, visits all classes and methods, for example, says in one of the visits of Imam Ali (peace be upon him): (just in the parish, and the denominator to equally) (3), you shall take him to the Constitution of justice, and the methodology of equality in giving the rights .. In one of the visits of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him): (I bear witness that you are cleansed, pure, antiseptic, of purity pure disinfectant, pure and cleansed your country, and cleared the land you are out and cleanse Ahramk) (4) you shall take them a lesson in unnecessary (purity human) heart, and body and the other about it, and the necessity of clearing rights for the country .. Would it not follow the example of visiting Imam Hussein (peace be upon him), who (cleared by the country)?
Q: Do the benefits of the other seasons of the visit?
A: Yes, the benefits that made the pilgrimage, because the seasons to visit the imams Tahreinn to meet people from all over the world, which entail that the benefits of the (Hajj), as mentioned previously.
Q: What is meant by (prayer)? What is the benefit of prayer?
A: (supplication) is a speech that addressed human Barih to the Almighty, asking that need it, or it appears to him a complaint, or venerated Him, or lists the grace and blessings, or shows a desire or fear, or the like.
The benefit of prayer, are:
A link between man and the Creator of the universe.
2 strengthen the spirit, as if aware that the human is linked to (strong) strengthened his soul, spirit and strength of a source of courage and bravery.
3 check the heart and calm, reassuring and radiant happiness.
4 concentration of the virtues in the soul, and turning off all vices, because guess who gets to pray.
5 to know good and evil, which included them pray.
6 as well that God answers prayer, as he said: (And your Lord said: Call on Me will respond to you) (5), and in that Neil worldly and the Hereafter.
In conclusion, P (supplication) Islamic (school) a car, there is no principle or as in the religion, which served man since he felt to the last hour of his life.
Q: appeared to pray?
A: I remember bits of carpet prayers Imam (peace be upon him) in his supplication known (morals):
(Oh God, wider in the sustenance, not missed to consider, and Aazna not Tptlina older, and he worships Me you and do not spoil my worship Bajb, and the reward for the people at the hands of the good, not Tmhakh Balmain, gave me the loftiest of morals and Aasmna of pride) (6).
(O Allah, bless Muhammad and all Muhammad, Sddna because I oppose the Gshena advice and more rewarding than another leaves the mainland, and Othieb of forbidden me Balbzl, and Okavi of Qtni the link, and go against the Aghtbna to good male, and I thank the good, and Ogda all bad) (7).
(O Allah, bless our Prophet Muhammad, Mohammed, and Ozlmn and you Mtik to pay me, not Ozlmn and you are able to arrest me, do not Odiln has Omkntek Hedayati, and Avtqrn and you have the quest, not Otgan and you and my grandfather) (8) to the other ..
The climber carefully, Prayers of the Prophet (Allah bless him and his family), or prayers imams group section of the book (the Koran and prayer) from the sea, and in the Book of keys of the heart, and in the newspaper carpet for the information that the prayers of the greatest treasures that are suited for the happiness of man in this world and the Hereafter .
Q: What is meant by the group?
A: I want it (prayer in congregation), Islam is favored to pray the daily prayers in the (group) that follow the example of Muslims in their prayers, B (front) just straight in any religion.
Since the days of the Prophet (Allah bless him and his family) the legislature of the prayer group to this day is being held prayers in congregation in the length of the country, the Islamic view, it shall meet the Muslims in the (morning) to perform the morning prayer, and in the (back) to perform the Asr prayer, and (Morocco) for the evening prayer and dinner, in certain places often Kalmshahd supervising, and mosques, and imitators of one of them, who knew him to walk the straight and righteous, and performing Arbthm with him, standing, sitting, and bowing and prostrating.
Q: What is the benefit of the congregation?
A: The many benefits of the group, including:
1 Pursuant to unite Muslims, every day, stand in the President to the subordinate, and white along with black, and the rich to the poor, and so on .. In front of the Lord is one, not a feature of the one, and then, everyone feels a sense of one of their hearts melt and the differences and features, and that source of all the best.
2 Cooperation, which gets them when they meet, because everyone recognizes them on the other, and each one Bhoaúj his friend, and inspect each other at the backbiting, and severity, and need.
3 establish order in the hearts of the faithful, because the group of the best sections of the system, and if the system becomes queen of the human person has become a regular in all his movements and cantonments.
4 benefit from the preaching and guidance, who is on the people of the group before or after the prayer, and often inform people of the group on the incidents that plague the Muslims all over the world to share their grief in the heart, and pursuant to ...
This case is still ongoing to this day, so we see the awareness of the people groups .. Often, as we see that as a result of preaching and guidance, which draws on the people of the group is the people of the group more than others integrity and purity in the various fields of life.
Q: What is the meaning of the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice?
A: Islam is all good, is obligatory to order or assignment, and he called his good (known) and forbade all evil, is haraam, forbidden or disliked, and called the (evil). It is well known that some people leave the (known) out of ignorance or indifference, as some have come to (evil) out of ignorance or indifference.
So Islam is that Muslims enjoin good, and forbid what is evil in this calendar to warp society, and guide people towards good, and save them from the evils and crimes.
In the Qur'an al-Hakim .. (You are the best nation raised up for mankind, you advocate righteousness and forbid evil ..) (9).
He has represented the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and his family) and it is forbidden to a person who pierces the ship under way on the water, the passengers took his hand, survived and escaped, but left him even pierces the ship, died and perished.
The Imam Ali (peace be upon him): (for Tnhen advocate righteousness and evil, and only Asultn Ohrarkm you, then you claim you do not succumb) (10).
Q: What is i'tikaaf?
A: I'tikaaf Allbut in the mosque for three days, or more, to fast during the day, and leaves many things contrary to the closer to God not out of the mosque only to help the needed.
Q: What is the benefit of i'tikaaf?
A: The usefulness Highness the Spirit, and drop-out diets for the unpleasant physical clarity of thought, it is a period of recreation and rest for cleaning the body, and cleanse the soul.
We may see that people in the present case drop out of their heads of government until the adult recreation, Ivhabon to a house in the countryside or the beach, or the like, to regain their activity, and think in their affairs, away from the noise of society.
And penitence better than that:
First, fasting, which have been known in the past some of the benefits.
Second, go to God, which is the source of all good, and inspiring all the tranquility and serenity.
Third, that in the mosque, which is a place of worship and obedience, sincerity, serenity and detachment from sin .. It is proven in science: The place affects the soul, and inspires purity or crime in different places.
Q: What is meant by calling for good?
A: I have called Islam every good work (good) and ordered people to call the good, God said, (and not the nation you claim to good) (11) also ordered the good work .. On top of that, but to make Islam the reward of a more rational way of rewarding good work of good, In the talk, (indicative of the good is like) (12).
And the good is divided into two parts:
A good that is enshrined in Islam, such as (prayer) and (aid the needy) and (feeding the hungry) and the like.
2 good covered by this general, albeit not a particularly Islam 2 / 2, such as building schools, hospitals, and charitable association for the purpose of texture, and feeding, marriage, and the like.
As such, Muslim in the eyes of Islam, which is working good, and good order .. Even mentioned in the hadeeth of the Prophet (Allah bless him and his family): (removal of harm from the road charity) (13), even though they use the people of the world to the curriculum of the Islamic work well and the call-to-goodness left needy one, but turned lower the Naim, uncle of good prosperity and intimacy of the ends of the earth to the fullest.
Q: What is the meaning (memories)?
A: Islam has made the celebration and meeting in the memories of the Prophet and Imams Tahreinn whether newborns wedding memories, and memories of grief, Calovaat is a delegate to it, desirable .. The mention of the phrase, including a significant amount of reward.
It says in the Hadith (Hiatna us rejoice for joy, to grieve and mourn) (14).
Q: What is the benefit of memories?
A: the memories of many benefits, we recall the phrase, including:
An encouragement, if people saw the honor philanthropists and reform, Jast them to do good, to be the supplier of people's pride and honor them ... As far as being an encouragement for good and righteousness be Tnvera from evil and corruption.
2 Alosop, if the human bone in the same person taken along the lines, and painted his life with such pigment, because humans to rise and rise to the ranks of those who are at the top of humanity, and a high level of glory and virtue.
3 of appreciation to those who were interested in the goodness of society, it is appreciated that the reformer right people alive and dead.
4 as well as memories that often, you are in meetings and seminars in the social benefits that have already among them in the (Hajj) and (prayer group) .. The memories often blend extension and reform, which requires double dividend, interest anniversary itself, and useful guidance in the burden during the anniversary.
5 and, if included on the anniversary of appearances, etc. Kzeinp at weddings, and scratch him and in sorrow .. The effect was to be more, because the eye is involved in the ear at the time of inquiry and Alastaih, the emphasis is more, the response to the good and avoid evil is stronger.
Q: representing the memories?
A: memories, such as:
A gala birthday Prophet, Fatima Zahra, and the twelve Imams (peace be upon them).
2 Holiday Alambos Prophet .. Which sent the Prophet (Allah bless him and his family) to humans in a day (27) Rajab.
3 Holiday Bourne .. The monument of the Prophet (Allah bless him and his family) high-Khalifa on the Muslims, in the Ghadeer Khum Day: 18 Dhu al-Hijjah.
4 and Islamic holidays (Eid al-Fitr) is the first and Shawwal (Eid al-Adha), the tenth of Dhu al-Hijjah.
5 as the painful memories of the forty days of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) 20 / zero.
6 and the death of the Prophet, Fatima Zahra, the imams and the eleven of the twelve (peace be upon them).
Q: What is the meaning of row, and Alnbara?
A: If a person loved the people, approached him, and if he went to the people, he followed him in his work and words .. And if he disliked people keep away from him, and if moved away from the people goes against in his work and his actions .. Love and follow the example of so-called (row,) and the ball away and called (Alnbara).
Q: Who should be (running away)? And those who should (Alnbara)?
A: row, should (God) and (messengers) and (imams) and the (righteous) .. Should also be Alnbara (from God's enemies, and enemies of the messengers, and the enemies of the Imams, and the enemies of the righteous). This is because the human who is God and the righteous, is close to them heart and soul, and obey them and follow their example, and in that world and the Hereafter Salah .. Also, if discharged from the enemies of those rights, away from them and left them and Bainehm in his work and his affairs, not as naughty Ishqy those enemies.
This is in addition to that man must satisfy his instincts and psychological, of which (love and hatred) and there are three categories:
One God and the righteous slaves.
2 God's enemies and the enemies of the righteous.
3 who are not God, nor the enemies of God Kaljhal minors and people of the countryside and dropped out of the deserts.
If a person wants to satisfy the instinct to love, it was necessary to met by someone who is beautiful and wholesome love .. If he wants to satisfy the instinct for the ball, it was necessary to met by someone who is ugly and his love is harmful.
And so it was (running away) and (Alnbara) is also mentioned (i) the exchange of this instinct that must be discharged, and (ii) that benefit the human in this world and the Hereafter.
Q: Is the instinct to satisfy?
A: The whole of the instincts of love, hatred, and sadness, and joy, and courage, etc. .. Like the abdomen, it must satisfy .. The-Islam (good) food to these instincts, so be aware of what rights and is happy Ishqih follows the beneficial and harmful leaves.
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