Q: What is the Islamic faith?
A: The Islamic doctrine contains three assets, those assets and what follows.
Q: What are the assets of the three?
A: I believe that this universe is God, a world in a mighty wise Hearer, Seer, was from time immemorial and remains forever, including the attributes of perfection, free from every lack and defect, and this God is one with no partner, and nothing like his creation, and can not see not in this world nor in the Hereafter ... Has shown the evidence and proofs of the (unification).
Q: What is the meaning of monotheism?
A: The Unification of four sections: A unification of self: the sense that God is one with no partner, and not compound his part like a human being, which is a composite of parts. 2 UNIFICATION qualities: the sense that the attributes of the same eye, not Otninih between the self and the qualities of God is not like a human being, which is the same knowledge and ability is the same, but the same God appointed his knowledge and ability, and so eye ... 3 unifying acts, in the sense that everything in the universe of creatures but are created by the Almighty. 4 unification of worship, in the sense that it is not entitled to worship Allah except him.
Q: What is the second of the assets of the Islamic faith?
A: A prophecy, meaning that Allah sent prophets to humans, for guidance to the right and to the straight path.
Q: Who is the first of the Prophets?
A: The first of the Prophets Father (Adam) (peace be upon him), was created by God from the (clay) and then create (his wife) (Eve), peace be upon her, and their livelihoods and two sons (Abel and Cain) and the creation of Glory (two girls) is not from Adam and Eve , but have created a first instance, the Abel and Cain married these two girls, and became the two boys, cousins took the female cousins, and began to frequent human birth control.
Q: Who is the last of the prophets?
A: The last of the prophets, the Prophet of Islam Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).
Q: How many prophets?
A: The number (124 000), the Prophet ... Of those prophets (Noah) and (Abraham) and (Moses) and (Jesus), and these four prophets with the Prophet of Islam are the greatest of all human beings.
Q: What is the difference between the prophets and other human beings?
A: The difference is that the prophets revealed to them by God, and ordered to orders for themselves or to communicate those orders to the people ... Unlike other people who do not suggest them, but they are commanded to follow the prophets.
Q: Where do we know that the one who claims prophethood is sincere in his words?
A: I know the sincerity of claimants to Prophethood (b miracle) and the miracle is a violation of flow usually at the hands of the Prophet, which indicates that it is by God Almighty, but to enable this work.
Q: appeared for a miracle?
A: For example: 1 (Abraham) (peace be upon him), he was in the fire did not burn. 2 (Moses) (peace be upon him), he throws his stick Vtnqlb a great snake, and then take it if I went back to her first. 3 (Jesus) (peace be upon him), heal the blind and the leper, and revives the dead, God willing. 4 (Muhammad) (may Allah bless him and his family), splitting of the moon in half, The Holy Quran, which was unable for bringing the same creation.
Q: How do you come up with the inability of creation for such a Koran?
A: (Koran) Quran, challenged the people bringing the same, he said: (Say While met mankind and jinn to produce the like of this Qur'an they could not produce the like thereof, even if some of them to some of the hinterland) (1) and what failed that challenged them to come back like the tenth chapters of the Koran, he said: (Bring the Quraan) (2) and the were unable to challenge them so that they come with such Sura of the Koran, he said: (Then bring a surah of the like) (3) ... But they failed with that they were Vsh Blghae, arrived to the top of the hair and the statement, and finally fought the Prophet could not come up even shorter so the Koran Sura him, Al Kawthar fractures, which are: (In the name of God the Merciful Verily Kawthar given you to your Lord and sacrifice that is Hanik Bitis) (4) ..
Q: What are the qualities of the prophets?
A: co-prophets, imams and angels in the recipe Tamanm all the (infallible) ... which means they do not disobey God from the first age, etc., because they know the greatness of God, and realize the ugliness of sin altogether, these preventing them for disobedience, and the prophets and imams are characterized by the virtues of morality, Kalshjaah, jealousy, generosity and magnanimity ... and others, are essential parts and vices. We need to be better people of their time at all, so people should follow them.
Q: Is there in the prophets and imams by God, as he said to the Christians for Christ (peace be upon him)?
A: No, the prophets and imams preached, very matter, he suggests to them by God and are characterized by infallibility, and other good qualities, and Jesus (peace be upon him) was not only human beings created by God from (or) only without the (father) and the creation of (Adam) and (Eve) without a father or mother.
Q: What is the third of the assets of the Islamic faith?
A: The third of the assets of the Islamic faith is: (re), which means that God Almighty after the courtyard of the world, and death of every person of spirit, restores people to life, Adzém what worked in this world, it is safe and the best was the reward of Paradise, and whoever disbelieves, or disobeyed the determination of fire.
Q: Many people do not know the truth, they know the facts about minors, either for lack of awareness like crazy and foolish, either because they are far from the centers of the faith, do not listen to the lack of contact with the right, are they Kfar enter Hell?
A: No, do not enter the fire only has the argument, and the insane and minors, they will be tested in (re) Day of Resurrection, it succeeded, there was the fate of Paradise, and his fate was dropped fire.
Q: If a person died a hero, until the Day of Resurrection?
A: No, but if a person died his body corrupts, but his spirit remains alive, it was locked, the philanthropist in the world, is blessed after death, though an infidel and sinner, tortured soul after death.
Q: What is the name of this world, which is after this world, and before the Day of Resurrection?
A: The name of this world (the isthmus), and this Man he started to seal passes six worlds: A world before humanity, every human being is the dust first, then plants and animals, if Oklhma rights held Ntafth. 2 world of humanity, the holding of sperm begins in the womb of the mother to come and hand to the House floor. 3 World world, which we are now in, and decided to instruct the costs of those costs our destiny. 4 world isthmus. 5 re-World (Resurrection) by a period of fifty thousand years, and in the Holy Quran. 6 Last of the Worlds, the (Paradise) or (Fire).
Q: Is there evidence of the survival of the soul?
A: Today, science remain the soul of science in circulation, even with private schools in the country, Western, etc., and can be reviewed in the book (on the edge of science ethereal) and (Hypnosis) Author: (William Sergios) and written by: (Paul Jago) and the formation of: (Abu debtor), and many other books about the author of soul and spirit, preparation and spectrum and the like. All of this empirically, and both mental and Audio Evidence on the survival of the soul and the resurrection is mentioned in many books of words.
Q: What is heaven?
A: Paradise place prepared by God for the believers who do good works, enters the human spirit after returning to this earthly body. In heaven there is any pleasure, from the groves and palaces, and the fresh air and physical health, and spouses of disinfectant, and deli, and beverage palatable, and if a person remains an eternal income forever. And not in the Paradise trouble in living human, such as poverty, disease, fatigue, envy, hardships, injustice, weakness, hunger, nakedness, thirst and concerns, and grief, and animosities, and prejudices, and her youth never in the joy and pleasure, a Saah too, so it gives the human place greater than the minimum, and there becomes the owner of the peoples of the angels, and above all, that God is satisfied with the rights (and Radwan of God is great) (5). So people should be working along the old for the Hereafter, and to take from this world to the extent that is sufficient, and does not work with disbelief and sins until they miss the reward of eternal immortal.
Q: What is hell?
A: Hell, unlike Paradise, the place prepared by God to infidels and sinners, and the worst kind of misery and pain, physical and spiritual, man at the torment and Nekal, and the chains and the fire is not quenched forever, a servile Mahan, may God forbid Him to remain human in the torment of living, there is no die (more mature skin Bdlnahm other skins) (6). Therefore, one must work in all his life, so do not enter into hell, and that stubborn, who replaced God said about them (even responded to him returned to the River) (7).
Q: What is the Resurrection?
A: Rights after he dies, it remains in the world of the isthmus for a long time and then greet him God of the Resurrection, and there meets creatures all, and given to each person Aillarth, in which registered all the work of good and evil (it does an atom of good will see it works whit evil seen) (8). If you consider the Aillarth and saw all its registered in, what his work secretly and openly, even his delusions and his heart, an exclamation point and said: (Oh, and sleeping for what this book does not leave the small and large only learns them) (9). Then focused scales, and the prophets, the martyrs and the guardians of the trials, it is safe and good work was his share of Paradise, and whoever disbelieves, or share the work of disobedience was the fire, may provide that the Day of Resurrection (equivalent to fifty thousand years old)!
Q: What are the other Islamic tenets?
A: Islamic tenets (Justice) and (Imamate) and (of God) and (algebra and check).
Q: What is the meaning of justice?
A: Justice means that God just does not do harm to anyone, and no ugly, and what we see in this world of injustice and evil for he is an act of slaves, for example: if killing a human being a human being, this was a murder and injustice, abuse of human beings, not God.
Q: It is true that infect some people on the other, not by God, but how do you explain the cosmic catastrophes, Calfaadan, hurricane, earthquake and disease and the like, including not for the slaves of the entrance, often causing death and pain to innocent people?
A: Such things are relative to discipline the disobedient, and for the innocent and the degree of reward and a lesson.
Q: What is the meaning of the Imamate?
A: Leading means that the Great Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) appointed after the order of God Almighty are the successors of his place, to guide the people and guide them, the twelve, respectively.
Q: Who are the Twelve Imams?
A: They (I) to the faithful, (II), Imam Hasan, (III) of Imam Hussein, (IV) Imam Zainal Abidin, (V) Imam Mohammad Baqir (VI) Imam Jafar Sadiq, (VII) Imam Musa Kadhim, (VIII) Imam Ali al-Rida, (IX) Imam Muhammad al-Jawad, (X) Imam Ali al-Hadi (atheist century) Imam Hassan Askari (twelfth) Imam Mahdi argument.
Q: What are the characteristics of these imams?
A: These imams Kalrcol the greatest, and his daughter Fatima Zahra, all protected from all guilt and sin, and they are the highest virtues of the psychological, the difference between the prophet and those imams that the Prophet was revealed to him by God Almighty, and they are not revealed to them.
Q: Any advantage in these bones to other explorers and inventors adults?
A: In addition to the advantage they are the successors of God on earth, and they are to the highest summit of humanity that they planned for a happy life and curriculum Nhjoa correct and explain the ways of humanity, which if followed by human beings, to become happy in this world before the Hereafter. It is obvious virtue of creating a happy life of man, on who offers him a way of lighting or a machine to travel comfortable, or the like.
Q: Explain the difference?
A: happy life depends first on the (peace) and (wealth) and (science) and (health) and (Virtue), war, poverty, ignorance, disease, crime and immorality in all its forms, which had to misery. Second, stop the happy life on the means better to live, (Ktaúrh) for traveling, and (electricity) for lighting, and (elevator) to rise, and so on, the tribes have to travel on an animal and lighting wax and the like ... It is well known that these methods do not bring happiness, but If the plans of life to bring happiness and well-being. Is it rumor (peace) and humans Stokes candle to illuminate the best? Or (electricity) and man steals wars and chaos? And the prophets and imams but Benoit ways of life of people happy, which is the most important, and therefore not properly be measured by virtue of their virtue, even if one was discovered or inventor or the like.
Q: Is it true that Muslims believe the survival of the Twelfth Imam (Mahdi) to today? What is the benefit that?
A: Yes, I have told the true Prophet and the Imams survival alive until the end of time Vimlo the earth with justice after it was filled with oppression, and peace will reign, and wealth, science, health, and virtue, making the world a small paradise.
Q: Can human survival so long?
A: Yes this is possible, as previously stated and that the dates the existence of longevity long centuries of age, in addition to the modern science of the possibility of survival. In the West, now private schools to prolong life, this is knowing that God is capable of everything.
Q: What is the meaning of God?
A: As planning engineer to build, and create the means, then order the workers to work, as well as God plans for the world and this is called a (deal) and created the tools and machines that can work, and this is called the Judiciary, and ordered people Belhassen, and forbade the ugly, it is the best was a reward for good, and abused his penalty was bad, as he says: (if you do good you do good for yourselves, although it may Osatm) (10).
Q: What is the meaning of (algebra and check) and whether human Majabur, or a mayor?
A: Algebra against the choice, for example, moving the hand of the human right by the selection and movement of the hand in human hand shaky issued without a choice ... And human choice in his actions, if he wishes the best willing abused, yes, human Majabur of being male or female, white or black, beautiful or ugly face, and the like of these qualities.
Q: Does God Almighty gateway acts of the people?
A: Yes, and the meaning of that is that the machines and the reasons of God, and the act of a person, for example, if the man has built a house they labor, and thought the router, and the land on which to build, and other construction materials from God But making house not only human and do The man was OK (such as prayer) he deserved reward, albeit ugly, such as (adultery), he deserved punishment.
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