Thursday, June 30, 2011

A worship of the Islamic

Q: What is the meaning of worship?

A: The worship things enjoined in Islam on the people, to come out with a view to drawing closer to God.

Q: What is the meaning aim of drawing closer?

A: to the intent that the work God Almighty .. This is the difference between the (worship) and (other duties) .. Worship you need to aim of drawing closer, and the worship is called the (Tosalia) is true do it without the aim of drawing closer.

Q: representing the two things?

C: for example, (prayer) of worship, can only be achieved if the intention of drawing closer to the following, either (clean clothes), it is not worship, and therefore can do it without the aim of drawing closer.

Q: What's the requirement of worship with a view to drawing closer?

A: First (obedience to God), the full obedience can only be Batian work to God. And II (Elevating the self), the rights, if the remembrance of God Almighty, continually, and he knows that in the minutes of the great, listens, sees, must get him (Queen), the finest is drawn to His Excellency the qualities and ethics, and keep him out of vices case work.

Q: What is worship in Islam?

A: I recall a number of worship in Islam, a (prayer) and (fasting) and (five) and (Zakat) and (Jihad) and (pilgrimage), and where the book was the subject of the definition of Islam, a brief, Odharibna mention philosophy and reason for these acts of worship, It wanted to see which person claims the book author (of worship in Islam).

Q: What is prayer, how many rak'ahs, and other Keviadtha?

A: The prayer falls into two categories: obligatory prayer and prayer desirable.

Q: What is prayer due?

A: The prayer due in this order:

A morning prayer, rak'ahs, and then from dawn to sunrise.

2 noon prayer, four rak'ahs, its time to cross the sun from the sky amid the country, near the sunset on the horizon.

3 'Asr prayer, four rak'ahs, and time after noon prayers, the sun sets on horizon.

4 Maghrib prayer, three rak'ahs, and then from Morocco, which until the demise of the red day on top of the head quarter of an hour after sunset to about midnight.

5 evening prayers, four rak'ahs, and then after Maghrib prayer, to near midnight.

Q: Does the travel and attended a prayer, or not?

A: Yes, different, prayer in travel (short) means that (back) and (age) and (dinner), each of which rak'ahs Fajr prayer.

Q: What are the parts of prayer?

A: The parts of the prayer is:

1 takbeer after faith.

Reading 2: Praise and Sura to do in the event.

3 bow, and above it.

4 do after bowing.

5 Sadjadtan, in each prostration said, sitting in between and beyond.

6 and then to do, and reading again, and Qunoot is desirable.

7 Then after the bowing and kneeling to do, and Alsadjadtan .. Then sit back and tashahhud and peace, in this prayer bilateral, while triple and quadruple, in the mosque reads the third and fourth, instead of (praise and Sura) praises.

Q: What is the prayer ribbons?

Prayer is the tape:

1 to go to Mecca.

2 purity of dress, body and replace the front.

3 purified human: ablutions, washing, and tayammum.

4 ornament to dress praying, and the place of prayer.

5 Non Balambtal come up during the prayer: as evident, and the laughter and attention, and the like.

Q: Do you pray in Islam due other than what you mentioned of daily prayer?

A: Yes, namely:

A prayer of the dead.

2 prayer verses.

3 circumambulation prayer.

4 prayer for the dead if the prosecution is obliged to humans.

5 Almndhurh prayer.

And each and every one of the obligatory prayers, and modes of privacy and ethics are mentioned in Islamic jurisprudence.

Q: What is prayer desirable?

A: The prayer of many desirable; such as:

1 redundancy daily.

2 and prayers desirable for the month of Ramadan.

3 and prayers in the days Almtbarakh undesirable, such as Eid.

4 and prayers from the Prophet and Imams Tahreinn, they would offer it, and called their names, a prayer of the Prophet (Allah bless him and his family) and the prayer of Ali (peace be upon him) and so on ...

5 other prayers desirable in the circumstances, the visit, a prayer, and pray for rain, and frightened prayer.

Q: What is fasting?

A: fasting is to refrain from breaking the fast, from the first dawn to Morocco.

Q: How many section is divided into fast?

A: fasting on four sections:

An obligatory fast: fast of Ramadan.

2 Fasting is desirable: the fast of the month of Rajab.

3 Almkrom fast: fast of Ashura.

4 fasting Muharram, was like a day Eid al-Fitr, Eid Al-Adha.

Q: How many days should a person be fast in the month of Ramadan.

A: Every person, inclusive of reference to tapes, to fast the whole month of Ramadan months semicircularis, which is the ninth month, after the New Year, Islamic New Year and the month of Muharram.

Q: What are the things that you mentioned and it should be constipation?

A: Twelve:

1, 2, eating and drinking.

3 and 4 of intercourse, and masturbation.

5 and 6 Alabbah side, and injection water.

7 and 8, the delivery of dust to a thick throat, Alaratmas in the water.

9 and 10 vomiting, and deliberately lying to God and the Prophet and Imams.

Q: If a deaf man deliberately days of these days, what about the reward?

A: The reward for three things:

The first is that rather than spend his days after the month of Ramadan.

The second is that atone, atonement, and one of three things:

1 that the fast two consecutive months.

2 to feed sixty poor persons.

3 should free a believing slave.

Third: that the ruling Islamic teaching him to commit this sin.

Q: What is five?

A: five is the output of the human twenty percent of his money in the way of Allah.

Q: any money out of the five?

A: The seven things:

1 House spoils of war.

2 diving.

3 metal.

4 profit gains.

5, which bought the land from the Muslim dhimmi.

6 I'm mixed with something haraam.

7 treasure.

Q: Who is given the five?

A: given to the ruling Islamic, to spend on expenses as the Islamic view, and orphans, and needy, and wayfarers of the relatives of the Prophet of Islam (peace and blessings be upon him).

Q: What is Zakat?

A: Zakat is the output of the human part of the money is in the way of Allah.

Q: any money out fast?

A: three categories:

The first three cattle, ie cattle, sheep, and camels.

The second yields the four, ie, dates, raisins, wheat, and barley.

III: gold and silver, a gold and silver.

The total of nine out about the obligatory Zakat, and Zakat is recommended output of other things. Kalomlak money and trade.

Q: who should be fast?

C: the act of Zakat in eight denominations:

1 2 poor, the needy and the poor is to be even more off than the poor.

3 working on Zakat, or who collect zakat.

4 in the way of Allah, the interest of all of the interests of Muslims, which is linked to their religion or worldly.

5 borrowers who can not give their religion.

6 children the way, who have lost their way that they can not return to their homeland.

7, consisting of their hearts, who give the Zakat to strengthen their hearts with faith, or their defense of the Muslims.

8 necks, and they are slaves under hardship, buy from Zakat and Iatqon.

Q: What is jihad?

A: Jihad is a fight for the sake of Allah.

Q: What is the purpose of jihad?

A: The purpose of Jihad are:

1 save people from superstition and belief in the work.

2 rescue the oppressed from the clutches of the oppressors.

Q: Do you fight Islam from the infidels?

A: No, but the fight:

1 People of the Book, after the Tejeaarham (Islam) and (giving tribute) and the (fight).

2 is not the people of the book, after the Tejeaarham (Islam) and the (fight).

Q: Who are the people of the book?

A: They (the Jews) and (Christians) and (Magi) who have a divine book.

Q: Who are the People of the Book?

A: The other teams infidels, Kalutnyen, and the like.

Q: What is the meaning (poll tax)?

A: (poll tax) amount of money, taken from the people of the book in exchange for protection of the Muslims to them, and authorized them to practice their faith, and exempted them from the Zakat and five, which are taken from the Muslims.

Q: Is not it better to be treated like all other Muslim people of the book? What this feature?

A: It's just the opposite, The rights of people of the book under the shade of Islam is reserved to the fullest, while the non-reserved their rights under the other systems and it shows the following items:

People of the Book 1 of the citizens of the state, each man will have gained .. Like all other Muslims.

2 people of the book reserved their blood, their money, and honor, like all other Muslims.

3 People of the Book living for themselves, their religion, and Muslims practice their religion.

4 Athakmon the people of the book in their cases that they want the Muslims to the governors if they like themselves.

5 People of the Book perform (tribute) and the Muslims performed (five) and (zakat).

So, any pressure on the people of the book under the government of Islam?

Q: So what is the face of combat with the Muslim people of the book?

A: The war with their governments, which was characterized by the most horrendous kinds of injustice and oppression, and so we see that the people of the country, they receive all Muslims eagerly, and regard them as their saviors from the hands of the rulers of darkness, and believe history bears witness to that .. Thus was the case with the People of the Book, the mayor in the fight against other Muslims are to uphold God's word and save the nations from the clutches of the exploiters and tyrants who ruled the people with violence and terrorism (1).

Q: What is the Hajj?

A: lives, is the pilgrimage to Mecca in the (Arabian Peninsula) in order to come up with ordinances of worship.

Q: For whom is Hajj?

C: a person who is able, which is able to go with his money, without poverty or cause him embarrassment.

Q: How often should a person who is able Hajj?

A: Once in a lifetime.

Q: Is is recommended on a pilgrimage?

A: Yes is recommended to not do it, and after going to him who is able to Hajj duty.

Q: What are the actions of Hajj?

A: The pilgrimage is divided into two parts: (1) Umrah, (2) Hajj:

First, the work of Umrah are:

1 ihraam.

2 wandering around the house seven times.

3 rak'ahs of Tawaf behind Maqam Ibrahim (peace be upon him).

4 seek between Safa and Marwa seven runs.

5 default, takes something of hair, or nail, or the like.

II: the actions of Hajj are:

1 of Ihram (Mecca).

2 stand up to Arafat on the ninth day of Dhul Hijjah.

Stand 3 (b hairy) on the tenth.

4 ifaadah from glabrous to Mina on the tenth day (the day of Eid al-Adha).

5'Aqabah throw seven pebbles day of Eid.

6 animal slaughter cattle from the three camels, cattle, or sheep.

7 shaved head, or default.

8 circumambulation around the Kaaba seven times to visit.

9 rak'ahs of Tawaf behind Maqam Ibrahim (peace be upon him).

10 seek between Safa and Marwa seven runs.

Cruising 11 women, seven runs.

12 rak'ahs prayer of Tawaf women behind Maqam Ibrahim (peace be upon him).

13 overnight in Mina, the night of eleven, and twelve and thirteen times.

14 stone-throwing ritual in Mina, three, each with seven pebbles at the Jamra today atheist XII, and XIII that remained in the third night sessions.

Q: At any time a person comes for Hajj?

A: In the months of Hajj, namely: (October) and (November) and (December), yes, the actions of Hajj in the month of Dhu al-Hijjah only as defined.

Q: What is the (single Umrah)?

A: single Umrah, are (Umrah), which we mentioned earlier .. Add (Tawaf women) and (prayer), and right to be brought in all year.

Q: What is the benefit of Hajj?

A: The benefits of pilgrimage are many, include the following in summary:

A political benefits, which requires the unity of Muslims, and the strength of their power, and awe enemies of the thorn.

2 economic benefits, where so required by the movement of money, from the far country to the maximum, and the prosperity of trade.

3 psychological benefits, which requires watching for souls, calm and tranquility, which Ajelbhma travel in order to remove the worries of the nation.

In poetry:

Sets for the townships of the request Ela and traveled in five travel benefits

Release them and gain life and mind and ethics and the company of Majid

4 social benefits, which requires some know some Muslims, and in Sarham Bodqp one.

5 benefits of worship, as the wandering, seeking, praying, stand, etc. .. All worship, and guidance to the God of the universe, the Creator of life, to the other benefits mentioned in the many detailed books (2).

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