Thursday, June 30, 2011

To the Islamic taboo

To the Islamic taboo

Q: What is forbidden?

A: Muharram is the thing which is forbidden by Islam (and to prevent the commission is strictly prohibited).

Q: Why does Islam forbid certain things?

A: Because those things in a very harmful.

Q: If a man committed a taboo, what is due him?

A: I return to it, damage the world, and the torment of the Hereafter.

Q: appeared to damage the world, from any such as it is?

C: for example, requires losing money gambling, the winery had to diseases, and singing requires weak nerves, and requires the mixing of lineages adultery, homosexuality requires venereal diseases and the like in the active and effective, and usury requires imbalance of the economy ... To others.

Q: So why not see what you said of the damage at the meeting, and the case that the taboo, but mostly common among all people?

A: It's the very opposite:

Crime is rampant in the length of the meeting and presented, which filled the courts and the prisons are full.

And the disruption of economic equilibrium than deep, there are multi-millionaires, and there are thousands dying of starvation.

And diseases are Bokzam people, which does not work in paid or decrease the thousands of hospitals and clinics, pharmacists, and the like.

And anxiety disorder and is of the people all of a socket, which is unprecedented in the history of the world.

Finally ... Valthorat and war, filled the pages of history today, which did not leave a vacuum for other ... Including dragging them from the woes and tears, blood and disaster ... Can it be said then that the taboo did not do the effect?

Q: What is the Islamic taboo?

A: Many Islamic taboo, we recall the phrase, including:

An unfair subsidy.

2 turning away from the remembrance of God.

3 extravagance.

4 men with gold decoration, and wearing of silk.

5 masturbation.

6 hurt people.

7 to use vessels of gold and silver.

8 disclose the secret.

9 Non obedience to parents, children, and not a wife's obedience to the husband (as you must obey him).

10 spread immorality.

11 monopoly.

12 take a self-destruction.

13 held for the man with his wife, and other types of magic, and Gearing.

14 slander.

15 of astrology in the sentence.

16 fraud.

17 switch will.

18 espionage.

19 killed one, or wound, or cut of its members.

20 to prevent the rights of Allaah, or the rights of the people.

21 a prison unlawfully.

22 envy.

23 wasting people's rights.

24 drink alcohol, the wine or other.

25 eat the dead, or pork or other meat, which is forbidden to eat the unclean and drink, and eat other taboos, like clay and the like.

26 betrayal, deception, and fraud.

27 theft.

28 leadership and Aldeattp combining Hramen, or sons, or a boy and a girl.

29 lying.

30 insulting God and the prophets, and imams, and religion, and the book, and doctrine, and people.

31 Boqsama hypocrisy, including the fact that a person of Saanen, Famidh present and cursed absent.

32 bribery.

33 usury.

34 block.

35 to shave the beard, cut some members of the same rights, or the annihilation of the force strength Ktamah the same example.

36 mixing between boys and girls mixed taboo.

37 satisfaction of disobedience.

38 adultery, homosexuality, and lesbianism, and look at the foreign, and touching his body.

39 people without the right to strike.

40 shooting of adultery, or sodomy, or other forbidden ratios.

41 gossip and backbiting, and go into falsehood, and sedition.

42 seeking the destruction of mosques and Tngesha.

43 Saaah when the oppressors.

The work of 44 musical instruments, gaming machines, and crosses.

SFOR 45 women, Tberghen.

46 perjury, and vows, and the Covenant.

47 perjury and concealment of the truth.

48 games of chess and dice, and the like.

49 dependents of human waste.

50 injustice and abuse.

Intolerance 51 unlawfully.

52 songs.

53 corruption in the land.

54 pieces of the uterus, and disobeying parents, and wasting of children.

Cheating in 55 double, and weight.

56 Alchbeb chaste women, or the boy.

57 revealed when the viewer esteemed private parts.

58 the right to argue otherwise.

59 look at the role of neighbors.

60 the use of all harmful to the body as well as serious damage and harm to others.

To the other ... I saw that most of these taboos, and a clear reason, does not require thought, for example: Can one deny the ugliness of killing people, looting their money, and injuring them, and look at their role, and damage to them or the like. Yes, some need to pay attention to the prohibition (eg, gambling) and (wine) and (SFOR), must know the human that I inherited anxiety and loss, and the second requires various diseases, and the third often cause the indecency, the destruction of families, and so on. .. Is there any religion or law did not make a set of taboos? Yes, still talk about these taboos that must be exaggerated repression? The answer is that everything requires corruption, it must succeed this kind of repression ... The law is full of such types of repression.

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